As we all know Diwali is approaching, and everyone wants to lose a few pounds or inches before Diwali.
But the question comes, How can we do that?
What can help you to lose that inch?
If you do as I say, you will start getting those desired results.
1) Throughout this week include one fruit daily in your diet.
Now, when I say one fruit, you should include any fruit like a Banana. So daily one fruit should be there.
2) Second: Make sure when you are eating your major meals like lunch and dinner, you should include chapati and vegetables. For example, if you are eating only chapati and vegetables make sure you include a Dal or 2 Bowls of vegetables.
If, it is dal rice then two bowls of dal, if you are eating chapati, vegetables and dal then including One bowl each is fine.
3) Third: You should drink at least 14 glasses of water daily.
How to achieve this?
Simply, switch off the AC for some time, this will help you to improve your thirst.
4) Next keep some almonds and walnuts in a packet or small container. And consume it daily evening.
5) Don’t skip any meal make sure you eat breakfast lunch welcome dinner daily
So start doing this today.
And see your changes Before Diwali.
Happy Diwali