AMH: Anti-mullerian Hormone is one of the fertility markers of the said fertility makers, but it is not the only Fertility Marker.
What do you mean by AMH?
The female ovary has a reservoir of trillions of eggs.
From the menarche, your eggs start getting mature.
AMH means the mature eggs present in the ovary but, if your AMH is low, your mature eggs are less there in the ovary.
AMH can never tell you how many eggs are there in your reserve only it can tell how many mature eggs are there in your ovary.
Eggs are made up of protein-fat micronutrients.
As you work on your lifestyle and food, immature eggs or oocytes mature and develop in your ovary, giving you the raised AMH.
Low AMH does not mean that you cannot conceive or your egg quality is not good. Trust your Gynecologist. As I said it can be one of the fertility markers but not the only Fertility marker.